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by Gordon Designs   But will it fit MY car?

Close-up view of windshield post insert after bonding into top.
Our proprietary windshield post inserts hold your Pop Top securely on the leading edge.

Choose to use our supplied compression system and you can mount your Pop Top without modifications to your car body.

How do I know a Pop Top will fit my car?

Measure your interior and compare your numbers to the drawings, below.

Each car is different. The secret is a "dry fit" before you bond in your windshield post inserts. Position the top for best appearance on your car, cinch it down so it's just snug— not tight— and mark around your windshield posts. Next, drill and install the Post Inserts using the two-stage epoxy we supply. Then tighten your Pop Top, go to lunch, and when you come back your Pop Top is custom fitted.

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